
Laymen's Cup Podcast

The Laymen are four men, who love God first, then their wives and children. We have a deep desire to study God’s Word and to live on mission for him. As we study God’s Word, we love to break it down and discuss it in a way that everyone can understand. We are not scholars, even though some of us wish we were. We are normal men with normal jobs trying to figure out how to Glorify God and live a life on mission for him.
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Laymen's Cup Podcast











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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 24, 2016

Merry Christmas!  We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. We have a special treat for you today. We would like to introduce you to the Two Thieves. These are two guys near St. Louis who started a Podcast a few months ago. We recorded a show together where we discussed a few open handed issues, like what is Reformed Theology, how we started podcasting, and past guests. We hope you enjoy this show, and go check out the Thieves at

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today's coffee is a secret. Kemp threw a wrench in the mix and played a game with us. As it turns out, Wes is the only one who gets it right.

Again, Merry Christmas, everyone. We believe that Christ came on this very special day, or at least its what we celebrate on this day. When he came, he came as God, laid in a manger, fully God and fully man all in one package. We believe in the Virgin Birth, and the perfection of his life. Without those facts, his death would be meaningless. With it, his death means everything.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Dec 23, 2016

We are previewing Monday's show, we have two very special guest on. Also, at little sports talk. 

Dec 19, 2016

What is the your reason for celebrating Christmas?

Dec 16, 2016

In this Friday Preview for an episode coming out Monday, Dec. 19th, "three wise guys" discuss all the implications and eternal impact of Luke chapter 2.

Dec 11, 2016

Psalm 51 is one of the greatest Psalms in Scripture. David, after a stint in sin, confesses his heart to the Lord. In doing so taught us what was true confession is. This portion of scripture has blessed many hearts and we believe, when rightly viewed, will bless you, too. It was mentioned in the show that this David, he is a pretty good writer. In this Psalm he walks through the life of a disciple.  

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Our friend, Mccoy, brought us some local coffee from Cabbalas Coffeeshop called Monsoon Malibu. It was a great coffee. If you are in the Denver area, go check him out. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Dec 9, 2016

In today's Friday Preview we discuss the upcoming episode on Psalm 51, and how did Kemp do on his test? 

Dec 4, 2016

2nd Corinthians 4:7 says "But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." In today's show we walk through this passage and figure out what Paul means. Jars of clay is considered a common vessel that everyone used. You would never hide something valuable in these clays vessels. What is interesting, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the most valuable archeological find in history, were found in clay pots, much like Paul mentioned here. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

We are still sipping on Trader's Joe Blue Mountain Blend. It is a good strong coffee. If there is a coffee you recommend for us to try, let us know. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Dec 2, 2016

Idols and Football on today's FP!

Nov 28, 2016

Psalm 23 is one of the most comforting Psalms in all the Bible. It describes the Good Shepherd, and how God is our comfort in our time of need. In this show, we walk verse by verse in the sacred text. What does it mean to be a "Good Shepherd?" Does it mean to Shepherd Sheep? Does it mean the same today as it did when it was written? Here we drive sheep, in the time of David, he led the sheep. Keep that in mind as you read through the text.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today we have went back to an old staple, Peet’s. It is a great coffee that can be found anywhere. Go and check it out.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Nov 25, 2016

Friday Preview! On Monday we are walking through Psalm 23. 

Nov 21, 2016

How do we fight sin? Even as Christians, we still sin. There are times where this seems unavoidable. 1st John tells us that if a person says he is without sin, then he is a liar. We know that people struggle with sin. Can we fight it? Can we rid our life of sin? This is a question all of us deal with. Yes, we are forgiven, yes, our salvation is secure. Through sanctification, God is working to purify us. There is still a tendency for each of us to sin. How do we fight off the temptation, and quit sinning? You will have to wait to the end of the show to find out, and it is something you already know.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today we have went back to an old staple, Peet's. It is a great coffee that can be found anywhere. Go and check it out.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Nov 18, 2016

On this preview we discuss an email we received. 

Nov 13, 2016

Tithing is always a touchy subject. The question asked is "how much should I keep?" We know that everything is God's; everything that we have is his. Therefore, how much should we keep and how much should we give and is tithing a law? We know that God designed that we give to the mission, but is it a law that we give the traditional 10%?

On the show we also discuss the busy week. How are we to respond to the election and people's reactions to it?

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today's coffee was brought to us by a listener. If you have a favorite brew that you'd like us to try, email us.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Nov 11, 2016

Friday Preview, we discuss the election and sports.

Nov 6, 2016

This episode is coming out on Monday, one day before the most dreaded election in modern history. I have yet to meet a person who feels good about any candidate in the election. For conservative Christian, we can say in good faith, that we do not have a good choice, so what do we do? Our friend and Pastor, Dr. Chris Griggs, who preached one of the best sermons we have heard on politics, comes on to help us sorts this out. His sermon can be heard here, Denver Baptist iTunes. It was delivered on October 30th.

On today's episode, Chris helped us think through three "planks" that Christians should vote on. One is life, but not just the womb, but from womb to tomb. Secondly, religious freedom. Lastly, he spoke on law, and how those candidates view the law.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Kemp delivered a different kind of cold brew today, straight from Dunkin Donuts. If you're like Bob and prefer a less manly cup of coffee, this is for you!

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Nov 4, 2016

Come and hear Kemp's platform for the REAL Party 2016.

Oct 21, 2016

We had a special guest for this FP, check it out. 

Oct 16, 2016

The Laymen spend a lot of time studying the Bible. We believe that to know God, you must be in his word. God revealed himself in the Bible so that we may know his character. In that, we can know his grace, love, mercy, patience and so much more. All the attributes of God can be known through his word. Recently a pastor was quoted in saying that his church exists so that a person may experience God. He continues by saying that we do not need to study God, we only need to experience him. We were all in agreement that is a false statement.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Tonight's coffee was brought to us by a dear friend Dan Henderson. His daughter is a missionary overseas and when he was visiting her, he bought this coffee for us. For that, Dan, thank you. After listening to the show, you will know why he is now off the hook from buying us coffee again.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob


Oct 14, 2016

In this Friday preview we discuss the upcoming show coming out on Monday, and we have a lot of fun doing it. 

Oct 9, 2016

In the Baptist faith, potluck is a word that everyone wants to hear. A potluck meal is where people bring different dishes to a group dinner. It is one of the best times of fellowship for any Baptist. We come, we talk, we discuss, and well...we eat. The best part is that every person brings their best dish, and we eat well. 

This episode is much like a potluck meal. We discuss a wide array of topics including, deacons, the ECU Band, HB2, and so much more. Come and listen and enjoy. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Tonight we had a special friend on, John Lawing. He brought the coffee tonight. We drank Jamaican Blue Mountain. It is a great coffee with a smooth taste. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

The Laymen,

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob. 

Oct 2, 2016

In this  episode we had the great privilege of interviewing Pastor Douglas Wilson. If you do not know Pastor Wilson, you should. He is the Pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. He writes a blog, Blog & Mablog, at You can find many of his videos on youtube, including a debate he did with the late Christopher Hitchens. He also has authored more books than can be mentioned here. One you should check out is "Rules for Reformers."

It was a great honor to discuss certain topics with Pastor Wilson. He grew up as a Southern Baptist, and is now a reformed Presbyterian. We discussed his church, his views of education and much more.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

The Laymen,

Bob, Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Patrick.

Sep 30, 2016

You can hear the excitement in our voice. When we recorded this, we just got off the phone with our "Big Fish." Come and listen to hear who it is.

Sep 26, 2016

Kemp's back! If one person could have two contrasting weeks, Kemp sure did. He spent a week on the mission field, and had an amazing time and saw God work in incredible ways. Then he came home to one of the hardest weeks he ever had in his professional career. We spent time listening to his stories and testimonies. 

Please pray for our beloved city of Charlotte. We all live about forty-five minutes outside of Charlotte, but if you ask us, we are from Charlotte. It is the city we love, the city we work in, and the city we recognize as home. It is hurting, and so are we. Especially pray for Kemp, whose career is protecting Charlotte. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

The Laymen,

Kemp, Bob, Shaun, Wes.

Sep 19, 2016

In this episode we discuss our presumptions verses evidence. Specifically, what we are discussing is two types of apologetics. We have discussed apologetics before on the show. It is a study of defending our faith. Evidential apologetics uses the evidence of the world to prove that God exists, and that the Bible is true. If you have never studied this discipline, it is very interesting. Presumption apologetics uses our assumption of our faith to prove Christianity. For example, we believe that the Bible is God's Word and we will use scripture to prove that God exists.

Both of these disciplines are important, and both have its position in evangelism. If you are interested in the evidence side, look up Frank Turek, Alex McFarland and Norman Giesler. If you are interested in the presumption side, look up Douglas Wilson, Apologia Radio, and James White.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today we sipped on West Virginia Mud Beans. Wes got a bag on a romantic trip with his wife to Greenbrier Resort.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

The Laymen,

Kemp, Patrick, Shaun, Wes, and Bob.

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