We are Totally Depraved. The Laymen are kicking off a TULIP series with our brothers in the Berean Media Network. TULIP is an acronym that describes the 5 points of Calvinism.
T - Total Depravity
U - Unconditional Election
L - Limited Atonement
I - Irresistible Grace
P - Perseverance of the Saints.
In this episode, we are discussing the "T." All men are born totally depraved due to sin. I don't want to give it all way, but throughout the Bible, it is clear that men are naturally depraved of any good. We cannot choose God apart from God intervening first.
We are sipping on coffee from Barista Parlor. It's a coffee shop out of Nashville. It is a great coffee that was given to us by a friend of the show Tom, who is pastor at Grace Church in Smyrna, TN.
This episode was brought to you by
Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family, and Freedom. Please click on the link above, and go follow them on all social media. They are a great follow on Instagram and Twitter @dangerousbutgood and @DBGcoffee.
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laymenscup@gmail.com. We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at
www.facebook.com/laymenscup. You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.
It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.
Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.
Kemp, Wes, Shaun, and Bob.