
Laymen's Cup Podcast

The Laymen are four men, who love God first, then their wives and children. We have a deep desire to study God’s Word and to live on mission for him. As we study God’s Word, we love to break it down and discuss it in a way that everyone can understand. We are not scholars, even though some of us wish we were. We are normal men with normal jobs trying to figure out how to Glorify God and live a life on mission for him.
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Laymen's Cup Podcast











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Mar 13, 2017

When potluck goes bad! We call our episodes where we don't have a topic to discuss "potlucks." In most southern churches, a potluck is a meal when everybody brings something different. Most of the time, it's a wonderful meal. Then, there are times when you look around in the meal and think, who brought the tuna casserole?  We hope this is show is more like the great fried chicken everyone hopes for, not the tuna casserole.

This episode was brought to you by Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family, and Freedom. In this show we tried their Liberty Roast, it was a great evening coffee. Please click on the link and check them out.

In this show, we drank a special coffee. Branson Bean, which was given to us by a listener. It is called "Jamaican Blend." It is a blend of Kahlua, caramel, and vanilla.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Mar 10, 2017

The Espresso shot is a quick show that highlights the weekly events and previews the upcoming show. 

Mar 5, 2017

We are so excited about our guests this week. First, Pastor Morrie Lawing is back. He is pastor of Christ Chruch ARP, which is Associated Reformed Presbyterian. We also have Patrick and Travis back to help us discuss baptism. In this episode, we discuss Paedobaptism vs Credobaptism. What this means is, should we baptize children or only adults? What we get is a lesson in Covenant theology.

We believe and hold to the idea that there is one covenant. When God made the promise in Gen 3:15, it is the same covenant throughout the whole of Scripture. What has changed is the administration of it. How does this affect us today? Should we be baptizing children into the covenant of God, or do we wait until they make a profession of faith?

This episode was brought to you by Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family, and Freedom. In this show we tried their Liberty Roast, it was a great evening coffee. Please click on the link and check them out.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Mar 3, 2017

The Espresso shot is a quick show that highlights the weekly events and previews the upcoming show. 

Feb 26, 2017

In this episode we have our friend John come by and discuss the book "Fathered By God," by John Eldridge. This book discusses the path to manhood that everyman takes. We start of by discussing how all men have been wounded by someone or something, but it is through those struggles that we rise up and become men. All men go through stages in life, like the warrior phase and the love phase. Come hear more about this book. 

This is a description of the book from iTunes.

"There is a path leading to authentic manhood, cut by men who have gone before us, sons following in the footsteps of their fathers, generation after generation. There are perils along the trail, even disasters all the more reason to rely on the guidance of a Father who has gone before."

But in an age when true fathers are in short supply, how do you find the path to manhood? How do you steer clear of the dangers?

John Eldredge calls men back to a simple and reassuring truth: "God is our Father. In life's trials and triumphs, God is initiating boys and men through the stages of manhood from Beloved Son to Cowboy to Warrior to Lover to King to Sage."

This episode was brought to you by Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family and Freedom. In this show we tried their Liberty Roast, it was a great evening coffee. Please click on the link and check them out.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Feb 24, 2017

The Espresso shot is a quick show that highlights the weekly events and previews the upcoming show. 

Feb 19, 2017

In Europe, during War World II, Jews would be forced onto trains and then shipped to concentration camps. There, they would be murdered. As the train traveled on, it would pass by Christian churches that knew where the train was headed. As the noisy train passed on, the church would say "Sing louder," to drown out the reminder of death as it passed by. Today, we do the same thing when it comes to abortion. We allow the culture to change the words of the reality of abortion. We, as Christians, allow the world to call it "a choice," "women's health," "a clump of cells," instead of calling it what it truly is...Murder!

We, at the Laymen's Cup, are pro-life. What that means to us is that we believe in supporting a child from the moment of conception, to the the moment of death. We want to support the child, the mother, the father in all aspects of life. That is why we have teamed up with the East Lincoln Pregnancy Care Center. They counsel women who are at a moment of criss when they find out they are pregnant. They tell the truth in giving their options. If the woman decides to abort the child, then they are there to counsel her through the process in the Gospel as well. The have programs for father too! Please go check out their website.

We are teaming up to support them. We will be attending the dinner that was mentioned on the show on April 6th. If you'd like to support the PCC, you can give directly to them, or if you donate to the show, through our support page, we will donate everything we raise from now until then to the center.

Holly mentioned several links tonight. Here is the link to a story about the history of Pro-life.

She mentioned the book, "Defenders of the Unborn" by Daniel Williams.

Also, and this is important, the Center is in danger of losing their grant called The Maternal Health Grant. If you are in North Carolina please call your state senators and ask them to support this grant.

Here is a link to find out who represents you, and how to contact them.

Tonight we sipped on Pushwater Coffee from Charlotte. Please go check them out.

We are proud members of the Berean Media Network. Like minded podcasts who want to get the gospel out. Please go check it out at

Also, this show was brought to you by Dangerous But Good, it is an awesome ministry that support Faith, Family and Freedom.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Feb 17, 2017

The Espresso shot is a quick show that highlights the weekly events and previews the upcoming show. 

Feb 12, 2017

Is there are a way we are supposed to pray? Are there certain words, or patterns we are to use? In this episode we discuss prayer. A.C.T.S. is a model we use to pray that goes along with the model Jesus gave  us in Matthew 6. If you are a follower of Christ, you know that we are to pray, that is not the question, but how are we to do it? 

This episode was brought to you by Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family and Freedom. In this show we tried their Liberty Roast, it was a great evening coffee. Please click on the link and check them out. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.


In this episode we announce that we are a part of the Berean Media Network. It is three, like-minded podcasts who have the sole purpose of getting the Gospel out. Check out, and make sure you go and follow the other podcasts, Reformed Outlook and Two Thieves, on iTunes as well. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Feb 10, 2017

The Espresso is a quick show that highlights the weekly events and previews the upcoming show. 

Feb 5, 2017

Can we stand on the Word of God? We can say without a shadow of a doubt that we know God's word is true and perfect. In the second portion of this show, we shut the door on this topic. We affirm that the Bible is true, and God has preserved his word for us today. In every aspect of life, science, history, faith, family, you can trust the Word of God, and know that it attains everything we need for salvation. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

We return to the well tonight in our coffee. We sipped on the Special Roast from Honduras. Our friend Dan brought this for us. It is a great, strong coffee.

We want to send a special shout out to Dangerous But Good. It is an awesome ministry that is all about Faith, Family and Freedom. They are starting to sell coffee that might be featured on the show real soon. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Make sure you go and check out friends at Reformed Outlook and Two Thieves, they are like minded podcasts who want to proclaim the Gospel. 

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Feb 3, 2017

We have a great episode coming on Monday, until then enjoy this Friday Preview. 

Jan 29, 2017

How do we know we can trust the Bible? Last week we discussed the Canon, which means how the Scripture was measured. This week we interviewed a pastor from Nashville to help with this topic. Pastor Tom Agnew is lead pastor of Grace Church, in Smyrna, TN. He received his Bachelors from Carson-Newman College and his MDIV from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Pastoral Ministry. He is married to Amanda, and they have three boys, Caleb, Asher, and Judson. Grace Church is a plant church from Providence Baptist in Nolensville, TN. Tom makes a great point on the show, that most of the time he does not have to prove that the Bible is true, but he does spend time explaining that the Bible is inerrant and is infallible. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Jan 27, 2017

Great Show coming on Monday with a great Friend, but first check out the guys Super Bowl Picks. 

Jan 22, 2017

Why can we believe in the Bible? As the guys were having a conversation this week, this question was asked, "if an atheist does not believe in the Bible, how can we tell them that it is true?" Sometimes, it is not enough to just say that what the Bible says is true. There are times that we have to present evidence that supports Biblical truth. In this episode we started to walk through how we got the Bible and the process of canonicity. 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

We had a special guest today to describe our coffee to us. We called Wes, from the Reformed Outlook to describe the Dorman's Coffee from Kenya. It is a great blend. Also, go check out the Reformed Outlook on iTunes. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Jan 20, 2017

In this preview we discuss the upcoming show, but more importantly we announce a fundraise we are apart of. We are raising money for our local Pregnancy Care center. If you go and donate to our website between now and April 6, all the proceeds will go to the center. 

Jan 15, 2017

We all know that with Christ we have freedom in him. With that freedom, we also have a duty to serve. 1st Corinthians 10:23 says "All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up." In this episode we discuss what has more weight, our liberty or duty? 

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Today we tried Dorman's Coffee from Kenya, it was sent to us by Wes, with the Reformed Outlook, a great podcast from Alabama. It was great coffee, smooth and easy to drink. 

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob

Jan 8, 2017

We have all had that dreaded knock on the door. You are at home, watching football, relaxing, then all of sudden, two people knock on your door wanting to discuss their church with you. How do we respond with the Gospel in these circumstances? Patrick has a passion, and does an amazing job sharing the Gospel with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. In this episode we discuss how to share with these groups and how to continue the Gospel conversation with them.

Thank you for listening. If you are listening on iTunes please subscribe and leave a review. If you have comments or questions for us, you can email us at We also have videos you can view here on our website or on Youtube. We are on Facebook at You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup.

Our buddy Dan redeemed himself. Earlier he brought us some coffee from Honduras, that...well, was not good. He brought us some this week, that was good. "Tueste Especial," Special Roast is the name of it. It was a great, smooth coffee. We can't wait to have more of it.

It is always our hope to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible and you can help us by sharing the show. Word of mouth is the greatest way we will get the show out to the masses. Thank you.

Please pray for us, as we are praying for you.

Kemp, Shaun, Wes and Bob


Jan 6, 2017

He's back ladies and gentlemen, for one show only, Patrick is back in the house. He walks us through how to share the Gospel when certain groups show up at your house. 

Jan 1, 2017

We know that 2016 was a tough year. We saw a difficult election cycle and lost more celebrities than one would like to count. Most people are excited to see 2016 go. We at the Laymen's Cup have a lot to be thankful for. We have be been blessed beyond our wildest imagination. The show has grown by leaps and bounds. We have been downloaded on every continent, and people have reached out to us from numerous states and other countries. 

The Laymen have had some ups and downs, too. One of our own, Patrick, went on into ministry, and even though we are really proud of him, it was hard to see him go. Then Bob came on, and now we can't imagine doing the show without him. 

We held our first annual golf tournament that raised money for Shaun and Ann's adoption. People came from all over to help us raise money and had blast doing it. 

We want to say thank you for all the interviews, from Dr. Danny Akin, Dr. Frank Turkey, Dr. Douglas Wilson, and the many friends who came to hang out, like Travis, McCoy, and John. We owe a huge thank you to Dr. Chris Griggs, our pastor, and the one who holds us in check. Thank you to all who have participated in the show. 

The Laymen are especially thankful for all of the listeners. We do the show, first for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and also for you. We love all the reviews, emails and messages throughout the year. It encourages us each time someone reaches out to us. 

We hope that in everything thing we do we bring honor and praise to Jesus. Our hope is always to portray the Gospel in every conversation. 

Thank you for listening. You can find us on iTunes, and we are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @laymenscup. 

Please pray for us, as we pray for you. 

Kemp, Shaun, Wes, and Bob. 

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